Origin-: Kyanite is derived from the Greek word Kyanos meaning blue.
Synonyms-: Blue Talc (M), Cyanite, Disthene, munkrudite.
Color-: Vibrant blue or blue-green hue can also be orange, green, indigo, and black and some uncommon white. yellow, pink and grey stones.
Hardness-: 4 to 7 on the Mohs scale with a triclinic crystal structure.
Transparency-: Transparent to translucent.
Toughness– : Poor.
Ultrasonic– : Never.
Steam– : Never
Heat-: Sensitive.
Acids– : No reaction.
Cause of Color-: Blue: iron and titanium: green: vanadium.
Luster-: Vitreous to pearly.
Zodiac Sign-: Aries, Taurus and Libra.
Occurrence– : Kyanite hails from the Kali Gandaki Region of West Central Nepal and Tibet, Mountainous regions in the United States (Montana and North Carolina), Switzerland, Brazil and Myanmar, New Zealand.
Metaphysical Properties -:
- Kyanite suspended from a human hair could follow the earth’s magnetic force.
- Early travellers sometimes used it as a compass when exploring unknown territories.
- Restoring energy balance.
- It is a very effective energy conduit that can balance most systems of the body.
- It can quickly create stillness and tranquility, making it an excellent stone for meditation.
- Symbolizes lightness and leads to new and refreshing thoughts.
- Blue Kyanite opens the throat chakra, encouraging communication and self-expression.
- It is very useful for public speakers and performers as it strengthens the voice.